What: Employer Use of Facebook as a Tool in Pre-Employment Screening of Applicants: Benefits and Ethical, Legal, and Privacy Implications.

When: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 6:00-7:30pm

Where: University of Minnesota Law School, Room 473 (http://www.law.umn.edu/contact/directons.html)

Beth Lory

Please RSVP to Bernice Hillukka (Behilluk@msn.com) no later than June 20th. We will be serving food at our next meeting, so please RSVP to ensure there is enough food for everyone. Also, if you have any food allergies or preferences, please indicate in your RSVP. Note that you do not need to be a member of MCDA to attend this event.

The June Roundtable will focus on employer use of Facebook as a tool in the applicant pre-employment screening process. This topic was the subject of my graduate thesis research in the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership program at St. Catherine University, St. Paul. Through an analysis of data gathered through an online survey of hundreds of employers who recruit students and alumni of the University of Minnesota, and interviews with both a privacy and employment law attorneys, I identified the legal, privacy and ethical implications as well as the benefits of this practice. My presentation provides recommendations for employers who are thinking about utilizing Facebook as an applicant pre-employment screening tool, and things to think about if employers are already using Facebook for this practice.